Leave after the second service on
Sunday, August 11 from Faith Lutheran Church
Parents must attend with their child
Class at 5:30 with youth following at 6:30
Catechism Classes are our instructional classes for students generally in grades 6th-8th.
These classes focus on the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism for more in depth learning about Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior from Sin, Death, and the Devil. Catechism Classes are also designed for students to learn more about their faith so they are able to confess and confirm the beliefs that were stated at their Baptism (according to Lutheran confessions).
These classes are Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm.
If you, or your child would like to learn more about these classes, please contact Director of Christian Education - Alex Wright at flcgb.dce@gmail.com
Parents are welcome to attend Catechism Class at any time. Then, continue the fun at Youth Group!
(Each parent is required to volunteer at least once during the year)
Catechism students are required to acolyte 14 times throughout the catechism year. Please use the three links below to sign-up your student(s) to acolyte for services. Thank you.
God's blessing to our Confirmation Class of 2023. They were confirmed on Sunday, May 7, 2023.